A system for measurement of rolling friction of motorcycle on roller dynamometer.
Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Programme: Interní rozvojová soutěž
Implementation period: 01.01.14 - 31.12.14
Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera - Katedra elektrotech., elektron. a zabezp
Investigator: Mašek Zdeněk
Proposed system enables to measure rolling friction of motorcycle or combustion engine on roller dynamometer that is placed on KEEZ laboratory. Accurate measurement of rolling friction is a requirement for accurate estimate of engine power on crankshaft. It can be also used as a starter. Roller dynamometer is used during practice lessons in teaching of subjects focused on automotive electronic.
Proposed system enables to measure rolling friction of motorcycle or combustion engine on roller dynamometer that is placed on KEEZ laboratory. Accurate measurement of rolling friction is a requirement for accurate estimate of engine power on crankshaft. It can be also used as a starter. Roller dynamometer is used during practice lessons in teaching of subjects focused on automotive electronic.