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Hybrid locomotive and energy electronical optimalization of operation .

Provider: Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Programme: TRIO (2016-2021)
Implementation period: 01.04.16 - 31.12.19
Workplace: Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera - Katedra elektrotech., elektron. a zabezp
Investigator: Novák Jaroslav
Team member: Mlynařík Ladislav | Sadílek Ondřej | Lenoch Václav
The aim of the project is development of a hybrid diesel locomotive with electric power transmission including control system. Development will be directed to improving the energy management of locomotive, where braking kinetic energy of the vehicle will be stored in the accumulator. This energy will be used retrospectively for traction drive and for auxiliary drives. Another way to reduce fuel consumption in particular is the operation of an internal combustion engine in optimal mode with minimum fuel consumption, when total emissions also minimizes. Output of the project will be the functional samples of hybrid locomotive and its subsystems, including control system and accumulator system.