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Contract research - Proposal of a complex system of capacity allocation

Provider: Smluvní výzkum
Programme: Smluvní výzkum
Implementation period: 01.05.17 - 31.10.17
Workplace: Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera - Odd. ekonomiky a managementu ve spojích
Investigator: Švadlenka Libor
Team member: Ježek Jindřich | Široký Jaromír | Matuška Jaroslav | Lejsková Pavla | Nachtigall Petr
The aim of the research is to propose a comprehensive system of capacity allocation. Specifically, it will be developed the Network Statement for main lines, secondary lines and sidings tracks (accessible for various carrier) with the reflection of §33 from the law about railways and relative contractual documentation; calculation of price for the network capacity allocation and activities related to capacity allocation; and regulation for using a siding track with the non-discriminatory way by the public price regulation.