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Wayside diagnostic of railway vehicles running gear

Provider: Technologická agentura České republiky
Programme: Doprava 2020+
Implementation period: 01.01.21 - 30.06.24
Workplace: Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera - Katedra dopravních prostředků a diagnost
Investigator: Vágner Jakub
Team member: Kohout Martin | Liberová Stanislava | Hába Aleš
Failures of rail vehicles, which appear during vehicle running, cause a track dynamic and noise loading. Detection of the failures is not easy because a vehicle state is usually monitored stationary. A development of a diagnostic system, which contains measurement, transmission, quantification and visualisation of diagnostic results of running rail vehicles by a device situated on a track, is the aim. The system detects and locates selected failures including their prediction. For this purpose a hardware, which meets operational requirements, will be developed to a data collection. Verification of the functionality of the device and data collection will take place during the project and will be used for the development and debugging of an expert system for the diagnostics of running gears.