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Standards for the performance of expert activities in assessing the course and causes of traffic accidents

Provider: Technologická agentura České republiky
Programme: ÉTA - Program na podporu aplikovaného společenskovědního a humanitního výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací
Implementation period: 01.06.21 - 31.12.23
Workplace: Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera - Oddělení silničních vozidel
Investigator: Pokorný Jan
Team member: Jilek Petr | Berg Jan | Lustigová Daniela
The aim and expected main result of the project is the harmonization and innovation of existing procedures in the analysis of traffic accidents, so that experts have uniformly applied criteria for interpreting the causes and course of accidents in the form of standards establishing a methodological procedure serving as a uniform application areas. The existence of a standardized procedure for expert activities, in the form of defined standards, will then be the basis serving as a unified applied procedure usable in the appointment of experts and their supervision in this area.