Provider: Evropská unie
Programme: HE - Kolaborativní projekty
Implementation period: 01.10.24 - 30.09.27
Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera - Katedra doprav. manag., market. a logist
Investigator: Švadlenka LiborTeam member: Ampong Dominic Kwakye | Bauer Libor | Molková Tatiana
The project PhDs EU-Rail aims to foster collaboration and innovation in the European railway sector by consolidating a scientific community and conducting research through 10 PhD positions. The project is closely aligned with the goals of the EU-RAIL Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail) and industry partners. The objectives of the project include developing a research plan for each PhD position, with the aim of submitting at least 2 peer-reviewed journal papers per position. The research topics cover a range of areas, such as supporting the implementation of rail technical innovations for decarbonization, promoting gender equality in the rail industry, exploring new education and training methods, enabling rail-based urban logistics, improving fast night train operations, studying the dynamic stability of trains over bridges, enhancing safety-relevant communication in the railway system, calculating societal KPIs of rail research programs, the railway inclusion and accessibility for individuals with intellectual disability and ICT platforms for interoperable and reliable ERTMS systems. The project also emphasizes collaboration with industry stakeholders and participation in relevant conferences and events to disseminate research findings. By expanding the Academics4Rail project and involving major European rail companies and academia, the project seeks to strengthen research and innovation capabilities in the European railway sector.
The project PhDs EU-Rail aims to foster collaboration and innovation in the European railway sector by consolidating a scientific community and conducting research through 10 PhD positions. The project is closely aligned with the goals of the EU-RAIL Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail) and industry partners. The objectives of the project include developing a research plan for each PhD position, with the aim of submitting at least 2 peer-reviewed journal papers per position. The research topics cover a range of areas, such as supporting the implementation of rail technical innovations for decarbonization, promoting gender equality in the rail industry, exploring new education and training methods, enabling rail-based urban logistics, improving fast night train operations, studying the dynamic stability of trains over bridges, enhancing safety-relevant communication in the railway system, calculating societal KPIs of rail research programs, the railway inclusion and accessibility for individuals with intellectual disability and ICT platforms for interoperable and reliable ERTMS systems. The project also emphasizes collaboration with industry stakeholders and participation in relevant conferences and events to disseminate research findings. By expanding the Academics4Rail project and involving major European rail companies and academia, the project seeks to strengthen research and innovation capabilities in the European railway sector.