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Current aspects of transport means and infrastructure addressed at the DFJP

Provider: Univerzita Pardubice
Programme: Studentská grantová soutěž
Implementation period: 01.01.25 - 31.12.25
Workplace: Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera - Oddělení pro vědeckovýzkumnou činnost
Investigator: Borecký Vladislav
Team member: Novák Jaroslav | Schmidová Eva | Tomek Petr | Voltr Petr | Suchánek Vladimír | Leuchter Jan | Gajdoš Tomáš | Pulda Jan | Sháněl Zdeněk | Šoupal Martin | Petřík Vojtěch | Heřt Dominik | Král Petr | Salaba Vojtěch | Schmiedtová Pavla | Svoboda Tomáš | Gabriel Ondřej | Zeman Jiří | Jakl Daniel | Řoutil Ladislav | Šula Miloš | Šustr Tadeáš | Šlapák Jiří | Shan Tilong | Dadkhah Arman | Žižlavský Petr
The project is focused on actual aspects in the field of transport means and infrastructure which are thematically related to the activities of doctoral students at the Department of Transport Means and Diagnostics; Department of Mechanics, Materials and Machine Parts; Department of Transport Structures and Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Signalling in Transport. Also laboratory facilities of the Educational and Research Center in Transport play an important role in the solving of the project.