doc. Ing. Miroslav Tesař, CSc.

Faculty of Transport Engineering
Road Vehicles unit (50242)researcher -
- Teaching
- Publications
- Projects
CULEK, B. - PAŠČENKO, P. - CULEK, B. - SCHMIDOVÁ, E. - VTÍPIL, T. - TESAŘ, M. Funkční vzorek nosného rámu speciálního vozidla. CZ: SVOS spol. s.r.o.. | |
POKORNÝ, J. - VOLTR, O. - VÁGNER, J. - JILEK, P. - TESAŘ, M. - ŠEFČÍK, I. Strength control of the stanchion of pole trailer. In Engineering Mechanics 2016 : 22nd International Conference. Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v. v. i., 2016. s. 466-469 s. ISBN 978-80-87012-59-8. | |
TESAŘ, M. - JILEK, P. - POKORNÝ, J. Experimentální měření s využitím sklopné plošiny. In XI. mezinárodní konference kateder dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů. Ostrava: Institut dopravy Fakulty strojní VŠB – TU Ostrava, 2014. s. 1-4 s. ISBN 978-80-248-3439-9. | |
ZIKMUND, T. - TESAŘ, M. Theoretical Background for Tyres Slip Angles Research Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series B, The Jan Perner Transport Faculty, 2009, vol. 2008, no. 14, s. 29-42. ISSN: 1211-6610. | |
TESAŘ, M. Řízení kol zadní nápravy z pohledu bezpečnosti silničních vozidel. In "VEHICLES 2008" New trends in the construction and exploitation of vehicles. Nitra: Slovenská poľnohospodárská univerzita v Nitre, 2008. s. 29 s. ISBN 978-80-552-0105-4. | |
TESAŘ, M. - ZIKMUND, T. STEER -BY- WIRE, cesta k bezpečnému automobilu. In BRNO SAFETY, mezinárodní konference o bezpečnosti silničního provozu. Brno: Veletrhy Brno a.s., 2008. s. 20-25 s. | |
TESAŘ, M. - WEINER, M. Vliv řízení zadní nápravy na jízdní stabilitu silničního vozidla.. In New trends in the construction and exploitation of vehicles "VEHICLES 2007". Nitra: Slovenská poľnohospodárská univerzita v Nitre, 2007. s. 203-213 s. ISBN 978-80-8069-942-0. | |
ZIKMUND, T. - TESAŘ, M. Methods of Slip Angles Measurement at the Department of Transport Means. In Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium Advanced Manufacturing and Repair Technologies in Vehicle Industry. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007. s. 177-182 s. ISBN 978-80-7194-962-6. | |
TESAŘ, M. - TURNER, M. Comparison of Simulation Handling Test of Simplified and Detailed Mathematical Model with Experiment. In Proceedings of th Fourth International Scientific Conference ?Challenges in Transport and Communication?. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2006. s. 1221-1226 s. ISBN 80-7194-880-2. | |
TESAŘ, M. The Influence of Liquid Load Motion on Rollover Stability of Road Tankers Komunikácie: Communications (Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina), 2005, vol. 7, no. 1, s. 22-25. ISSN: 1335-4205. | |
TESAŘ, M. - TURNER, M. Využití simulací pro zkoušení silničních vozidel. In XXXI. seminář kateder a institutů dopravy a manipulace: Sborník anotací a příspěvků na CD.. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2005. s. 1-4 s. ISBN 80-7083-965. | |
TESAŘ, M. Problems of Rollover Stability in Regards of ECE-UN Regulation No.:111. In Zborník prednášok "Skúšanie a homologizácia motorových vozidiel v medzinárodných súvislostiach". Nitra: Wettrans Žilina, 2005. s. 102-108 s. ISBN 80-85418-60-6. | |
ZIKMUND, T. - TESAŘ, M. Verification of Matematical Models for Vehicles Rollover Research Using CORREVIT Sensor. In Advanced manufacturing and repair technologies in vehicle industry. Budapest: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2004. s. 122-127 s. ISBN 963 420 796 0. | |
TESAŘ, M. - ZIKMUND, T. - GRAJA, M. Možnosti počítačové simulace při hodnocení a zkoušení nákladních silničních vozidel. In Třetí vědecké konference. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2003. s. 77-88 s. ISBN 80-7194-565-X. | |
ZIKMUND, T. - TESAŘ, M. - GRAJA, M. Využití snímače Correvit S-CE s integrovaným gyroskopem pro rekonstrukci trajektorie silničního vozidla. In Třetí vědecká konference. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2003. s. 61-68 s. ISBN 80-7194-565-X. | |
SLAMKA, J. - ŠEFČÍK, I. - TESAŘ, M. Náš cíl je kvalitní dopravní inženýr. In XXIX. seminár katedier dopravnej a manipulačnej techniky. Zvolen: Fakulta environmentálnej a výrobnej techniky Zvolen, 2003. s. 149-156 s. ISBN 80-228-1266-8. |
Transport technique, technology and management
01.01.18 - 31.12.18
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.18 - 31.12.18
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Transport technique, technology and management
01.01.17 - 31.12.17
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.17 - 31.12.17
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Contemporary traffic engineering and technology
01.01.16 - 31.12.16
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.16 - 31.12.16
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Contemporary traffic engineering and technology
01.01.15 - 31.12.15
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.15 - 31.12.15
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Experimental verification of the possibility of using alternative means for vehicles locating
01.01.14 - 31.12.14
Programme: Internal development competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.14 - 31.12.14
Programme: Internal development competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Virtual Distance Education in Transport Area
01.07.11 - 30.06.14
Programme: Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.07.11 - 30.06.14
Programme: Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.11 - 31.12.11
Programme: HEDF - A a)
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator
Master Study as a Theory and Practise Interaction
01.10.10 - 30.09.13
Programme: Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.10.10 - 30.09.13
Programme: Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.08 - 31.12.08
Programme: HEDF - A b)
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.08 - 31.12.11
Programme: 2b) Support and individual development of talented students and support of talented young workers immediately after graduation in a doctoral programme.
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.07 - 31.12.07
Programme: b) support of programmes to increase the interest of talented youth in studying engineering and science fields
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator
01.07.06 - 31.12.06
Programme: Development programs MEYS (indicator I)
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator
01.01.06 - 31.12.08
Programme: Standard projects
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator