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Animated presentation

This experimental car is equipped with four wheel drive and four wheel steering. Its construction is based on student works and further development and research is still in progress – including, for instance, research of dynamic behaviour under degraded adhesion conditions simulated by unloading of the vehicle wheels by supporting it by a wheeled frame – skid-car.

Tilting platform

The tilting platform is installed in the lab of road vehicles of the ERCT. It is designed for measurement of certain parameters of road vehicles but it can be used in other experimental works as well.

Measurements on stanchions under load

The video shows a recording of experimental measurement on an assembly of stanchions of a road trailer for wood transport. The stanchions were equipped with special force sensors which allowed to measure the loading of the stanchions loaded by the weight of the real cargo with additional lateral force which was induced by inclination of the assembly on the tilting platform in the lab of road vehicles. The experiment was performed in a commercial research task for Hořické strojírny.

Experimental rail vehicle

This experimental vehicle was built in the project Research of running behaviour and drive control of powered rail vehicles with independently rotating wheels in collaboration with VÚKV a.s. and Škoda Electric a.s. It is a narrow-gauge battery-powered vehicle with a bogie that is a model of a modern tramway bogie. During the season, it operates on the narrow gauge industrial railway in Mladějov; in winter, it usually resides at the ERCT where it can run on our short section of 60mmm gauge test track.