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The Educational and Research centre in Transport of the Faculty of Transport Engineering, University of Pardubice was developed in a project sponsored by EU structural funds, state budget of the Czech Republic and funds of the University of Pardubice. The aim was to establish a strategic centre for development of teaching and research activities of the faculty with the use of modern equipment. Existing heavy labs in the university campus had limited capacity, unsuitable location and were not sufficiently equipped. Thus, new facilities were developed in the university's Technology centre in Doubravice; existing lab equipment was moved to the new building and a multitude of new, modern technologies were purchased.

Výukové a výzkumné centrum v dopravě – VVCD
reg. no. CZ.1.05/4.1.00/04.0137

Research and Development for Innovations Operational Programme (OP VaVpI)
Priority axis 5.4.1 Infrastructure for University Education related to Research

Project realization: 1. 2. 2011 – 30. 4. 2014

Construction: 1. 9. 2011 – 20. 9. 2013

Construction contractor: Zlínstav a.s., Zlín, Bartošova 5532, Czech Republic

Designer: Kovoprojekta Brno a.s., Brno, Šumavská 416/15, Czech Republic

Total area: 2315 m2

Total floor area: 3713 m2

Total project value: 198,14 mil. CZK
of which structural funds 168,42 mil. CZK, state budget 29,72 mil. CZK