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Přihlášení pro zaměstnance

Freight and Logistics Advancement in Central/South-East Europe - Validation of trade and transport processes, Implementation of improvements actions, Application of coordinated structures (FLAVIA)

Poskytovatel: Evropská unie
Období realizace: 01.03.10 - 30.04.13
Spoluřešitelé: Široký Jaromír | Nachtigall Petr | Šourek David | Bulíček Josef | Hruška Roman
The main direction of impact of the FLAVIA project is to substantial contribute to the European cohesion, especially along the TEN-T corridors IV and VII and the FLAVIA corridor itself. This will be achieved byl the reduction of organisational and network barriers in the intermodal logistic channels of the involved regions which will incerease the accessibility of regions from the logistical point of view. Furthermore, strategic enlargements of the sales and supply structures are necessary to reach new potantial trade partners around the Black Sea and the TRACECA area (Transport Corridor Europe - Caucasus - Asia) better.