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Publikace detail

Sustainable Development of the Transport Sector in the Czech Republic
Autoři: Chlaň Alexander | Lejsková Pavla
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Udržitelný rozvoj dopravního sektoru v České republice Vstup České republiky do EU v roce 2004 ovlivnil situaci v nákladní dopravě, ovšem neovlivnil přímo vývoj veřejné dopravy. Na základě analýz vývoje železniční a silniční dopravy v ČR můžeme konstatovat, že nákladní doprava zaznamenala výrazný nárůst jako celek, zatímco samotná železniční nákladní doprava poklesla. V článku autoři popisují možnosti rozvoje a spolupráce železničního sektoru v ČR v oblasti veřejných logistických center, ekonomické transformace Českých drah a podobně a dále se věnují problematice posledního vývoje a rozvoje veřejné dopravy, ato nejen z pohledu integrovaných dopravních systémů.
eng Sustainable Development of the Transport Sector in the Czech Republic From 1st May, 2004 The Czech Republic is a member state of European Union and not only from that reason the development of the transport sector should fulfill all aspects of sustainability. Admission of the Czech Republic to European Union in 2004 expressively influenced the situation in freight transport, but it has not influenced public transport directly so far. It is possible to assume that future competitive market will reinforce the pressure on improvement of quality of public passenger transport and reinforce possibility of sustainability of development of passenger transport. When we make the analyses of development in the railway and road transport in the Czech Republic we can see that the volume of road freight transport has increased rapidly while the volume of railway freight transport has gone down. Next the paper describes the possibilities of collaboration between railway and road transport in the frame of logistic centres. Nowadays there is a new situation on the Czech Railways that have realised the strategic intention of construction of logistic centres. The aim of this plan is to increase the volume of transport on railway and on the other hand to relieve overweighed roads. Public passenger transport goes after Velvet Revolution (Czechoslovakia, 1989 and then in the Czech Republic) through the process of big transformation changes that are not finished since now. Massive increase of individual car transportation that still continues and affects principle of sustainability and development of public transport is a big competitor and threat for public passenger transport. It is formation of integrated transport system that contributes to increase of quality of public passenger transport that is able to match to needs of customers by this way and offer right transport services according to customers needs. The main responsibility for quality is still on transporter?s side. Especially it is necessary to change point of view on other transporte sustainable development;freight transport;public passenger transport;integrated transport systems;transport services