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The Realization of Joint Terminal Process Simulation by Computer
Autoři: Xu Zhengli | Klima Valent | Kavička Antonín
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Railway transport and economy
Název nakladatele: China Academy of Railway Science
Místo vydání: Beijing
Strana od-do: 51-53
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze The Realization of Joint Terminal Process Simulation by Computer simulace, železniční terminál, plánování, konstrukce
eng The Realization of Joint Terminal Process Simulation by Computer To make a scientific and sensible decision for the construction/reconstruction of railway joint terminal, this paper suggest to make use of applied simulation technology and establish a model to solve accurately the topical problems. The simulation software, VirtuOS, jointly developed by the experts from Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and P.R. China, has been successfully applied in Europe, Asia and Mudanjiang Marshalling Station for practical simulation. According to actual system operation process and the conditions of track layout changes, VirtuOS employs iterative method to work out several plans and analyze, design and optimize under certain conditions. With this software, we can not only predict the result of the decision, but also work out with cost saving and optimized solution with now available experience. The simulation software VirtuOS adopted by railway joint terminal to study solutions and to provide suggestions includes the basis of planning for track layout, resource scale and project, technical service object, decision-making, changes of railway network etc. simulation, railway joint terminal, planning, construction