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Simulační projekty zaměřené na studium seřaďovacích stanic
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: 2. mezinárodní konference informačních technologií v dopravě - INFOTRANS 2003
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice, Dopravní fakulta Jana Pernera
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 86-100
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Simulační projekty zaměřené na studium seřaďovacích stanic The operation of marshalling yard represents the important part of the whole operation of railway freight traffic system. The quality of marshalling yard operation depends mainly on: - the organisation of technological processes within the station, - the number and structure of yard mobile resources (personnel and shunting locomotives), -technical station equipment (i.e. track infrastructure, signalling and interlocking system, automation devices etc.). It is essential to investigate the acting of yard surroundings (determined by the current rates and composition of incoming train flows) and evaluate the feasibility of meeting defined yard tasks. Proposing suitable measures, realisation of which leads to improving of yard operation quality, is connected with optimisation problem of searching (if possible) the best yard operation variant under the defined conditions. Because of high complexity level of marshalling yard system, the experimental method of computer simulation represents the suitable way for marshalling yard investigation. The mentioned flexible method - simulation - enables (within the frame of simulation project) to study a lot of various operational station variants. The paper describes the methodological approach and staging of simulation projects focused on investigation of railway stations, mainly marshalling yards. simulace, seřaďovací stanice, plánování
eng Simulation Projects Focused on the Marshalling Yard Inestigation The operation of marshalling yard represents the important part of the whole operation of railway freight traffic system. The quality of marshalling yard operation depends mainly on: - the organisation of technological processes within the station, - the number and structure of yard mobile resources (personnel and shunting locomotives), -technical station equipment (i.e. track infrastructure, signalling and interlocking system, automation devices etc.). It is essential to investigate the acting of yard surroundings (determined by the current rates and composition of incoming train flows) and evaluate the feasibility of meeting defined yard tasks. Proposing suitable measures, realisation of which leads to improving of yard operation quality, is connected with optimisation problem of searching (if possible) the best yard operation variant under the defined conditions. Because of high complexity level of marshalling yard system, the experimental method of computer simulation represents the suitable way for marshalling yard investigation. The mentioned flexible method - simulation - enables (within the frame of simulation project) to study a lot of various operational station variants. The paper describes the methodological approach and staging of simulation projects focused on investigation of railway stations, mainly marshalling yards. simulation, marshalling yard, planning