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Optimální dimenzování s ohledem na spolehlivost a náklady
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Spolehlivost konstrukcí
Název nakladatele: Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky AV ČR
Místo vydání: Praha
Strana od-do: 121-124
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Optimální dimenzování s ohledem na spolehlivost a náklady Load carrying components must be dimensioned so as to guarantee safe and reliable function during the demanded time, and for reasonable price. The paper deals with the costs for ensuring the reliability and lifetime, in relationship to dimensioning. Larger cross-section means higher manufacturing costs, but also lower stresses, lower probability of failure and the related costs, or longer fatigue life and lower costs per unit time of operation. The paper gives the formulae for costs calculation and shows how to optimise the cross-section size in order to obtain the minimum total costs. The stress-strength interference theory of reliability is used for sudden failures, and the Woehler relationship ?load ? time to failure? for structures with fatigue or other deterioration. The typical development of total costs with the cross-section size is shown for several important cases. Spolehlivost, dimenzování, napětí, pravděpodobnost, porucha, náklady, optimalizace, životnost
eng Optimum dimensioning with respect to relaibiluty and costs Load carrying components must be dimensioned so as to guarantee safe and reliable function during the demanded time, and for reasonable price. The paper deals with the costs for ensuring the reliability and lifetime, in relationship to dimensioning. Larger cross-section means higher manufacturing costs, but also lower stresses, lower probability of failure and the related costs, or longer fatigue life and lower costs per unit time of operation. The paper gives the formulae for costs calculation and shows how to optimise the cross-section size in order to obtain the minimum total costs. The stress-strength interference theory of reliability is used for sudden failures, and the Woehler relationship ?load ? time to failure? for structures with fatigue or other deterioration. The typical development of total costs with the cross-section size is shown for several important cases. Reliability, dimensioning, stress, probability, failure, costs, optimisation, lifetime