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Publikace detail

Transport User's Decision Making and Influencing Factors
Autoři: Čáp Jiří
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: 6th Conference of European Students of Traffic and Transportation Sciences
Název nakladatele: Žilinská univerzita
Místo vydání: Žilina
Strana od-do: 22-25
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Rozhodování uživatele dopravy a ovlivňující faktory Příspěvek se zabývá faktory, které ovlivňují uživatele dopravy při jejich rozhodování a volbě dopravy.
eng Transport User's Decision Making and Influencing Factors The paper deals with the factors that influence users of transport in their decision making which kind of transport they choose. It characterizes the transport user's decision making process on the basis of his subjective and objective perception. Furthermore, it deals with mathematical formulation by means of utility functions and tries to describe the influence of particular factors affecting decision making of the user including their relationship. It follows also different approaches that are used in passenger and freight transport comparison. transport user´s, decision making, influencing factors