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Publikace detail

Transport Policy and Public Transport in Regions in the Czech Republic
Autoři: Chlaň Alexander | Bolkova Marcela
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Advances in Transport Systems Telematics - Monograph
Název nakladatele: Silesian University of Technology
Místo vydání: Gliwice
Strana od-do: 45-50
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Dopravní politika a veřejná doprava v regionech České republiky veřejná doprava;integrované dopravní systémy;doprava v regionech
eng Transport Policy and Public Transport in Regions in the Czech Republic Organization of public passenger transport in the Czech Republic is solved in agreement with transport laws, which are according to transport policy of the European Union. However it is not sufficient for Czech regions. The problem is not only assuring of transport services, but public passenger transport could also lose ability to compete with an individual automobile transport and so its growth could be taller and taller. It is necessary to define better basic and other public passenger transport service. This is possible by revision of transport policy and transport laws, which could enable better organization of transport in regions, utilization of possibility to establish integrated transport systems, improving the quality of public passenger transport etc. The paper deals with the actual legislative problems in the field of public passenger transport and possibilities, which could bring expansion of the integrated transport systems. Transport policy and public transport in regions in the Czech Republic