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Study of Vibrating Kevlar/Epoxy Plate: Comparison between Experimental (ESPI) a Numerical Results (FEM)
Autoři: Rusnaková Soňa | Slabeycius Juraj | Bakošová Dana | Letko Ivan | Krmela Jan
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: 13th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology (TMT 2009, Proceedings)
Název nakladatele: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica
Místo vydání: Zenica
Strana od-do: 537-540
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Studium vibrační Kevlar / Epoxy tabulky: srovnání mezi experimentální (ESPI) a numerické výsledky (FEM) Most of the works on vibration analysis of plates published in the literature are analytical and numerical and very few experimental results are available. Existing modal analysis techniques such as accelerometers and laser Doppler vibrometers are pointwise measurement techniques and are used in conjunction with spectrum analyzers and modal analysis software to characterize the vibration behaviour. In this study, a technique called electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) optical system is employed to investigate the vibration behaviour of square laminate plate. ...
eng Study of Vibrating Kevlar/Epoxy Plate: Comparison between Experimental (ESPI) a Numerical Results (FEM) Most of the works on vibration analysis of plates published in the literature are analytical and numerical and very few experimental results are available. Existing modal analysis techniques such as accelerometers and laser Doppler vibrometers are pointwise measurement techniques and are used in conjunction with spectrum analyzers and modal analysis software to characterize the vibration behaviour. In this study, a technique called electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) optical system is employed to investigate the vibration behaviour of square laminate plate. ... Kevlar/Epoxy; electronic speckle pattern interferometry ESPI, FEM