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Vehicle-track Interaction by Passing through Turnouts
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears
Název nakladatele: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Místo vydání: Budapešť
Strana od-do: 161-170
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Výhybka, srdcovka, jazyk, meření zrychlení
eng Vehicle-track Interaction by Passing through Turnouts For the quantification of vehicle dynamic effects at passing over turnouts at a higher speed there was developed a methodology for evaluating of acceleration measured on vehicle axle boxes. The methodology is based on statistical evaluation of a lateral and vertical acceleration measured values by passing over both critical parts of a turnout (tongue, frog).The created methodology was used for investigation of vehicle dynamic effects. There was found out longitudinal path of wheel passing over a frog area by kinematical analysis.In terms of tilting-body unit class 680 tests at a higher speed in curves of chosen track lines of 1st and 2nd corridor in Czech Republic there was carried out also verification of curved turnouts state according to methodology mentioned above with a view to possibility of speed increasing at curved throats of chosen stations. Lateral vehicle dynamic effects at passing over a curved turnout frog area were evaluated. Turnout, frog, tongue, acceleration measurement