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Publikace detail

Matematické modelování procesů v organizaci
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series B, The Jan Perner Transport Faculty
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 233-241
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Matematické modelování procesů v organizaci Procesy jsou pracovní toky s určitými hranicemi. Hranice jsou určeny počátečními vstupy, které dávají podnět k zahájení procesu, a výstupy, které se objevují na konci procesu. V průběhu procesu tedy dochází k přeměně vstupů na výstupy. Je zřejmé, že mezi vstupy a výstupy existují určitý vztah, tedy že vstupy ovlivňují velkou měrou výstupy daného procesu. Vztah mezi vstupy a výstupy lze popsat pomocí matematického modelu transformace vstupů na výstupy pomocí transformační matice. proces, vektor
eng Mathematical Modelling of Processes in Organization Present progress of the management of business subjects is characterized by turbulent and discontinuous environs, to which rapid and fierce changes correspond on condition of indeterminateness and risk. This progress trends from functional management to process management. It is consequence of radical advance of paradigm of management. Research into business processes was already conducted in 1980?s. One of the first companies that conducted this system of managing was for example IBM. It was Michael Hammer in 1990 who first raised the visibility of business processes with the introduction of BPR ? Business process Reengineering and it follows in the early 1990?s. In subsequent years, BPR has often been associated with drastic change and downsizing initiatives, rather than improving practices and resulted many failed reengineering mega-projects. The emergence of the Business Process Management (BPM) in the new millennium, post Y2K, has given renewed focus to the process promise and has been a solid, yet quiet, business revolution. Process orientation of establishments is the base of philosophy of business management. The creation of process organization is starting by specify of basic processes. Correct specification of business processes is the most important. Business processes fall in to key processes, control processes and supporting processes. All processes must be to concreted and theirs inputs and outputs must be characterized. Processes relations must be define too. Quite often, business processes at different levels are seen as synonymous with workflow, application automation and/or application integration. These automated processes are a sub-set of the overall human processes, which make up the process framework of the organization. Process management is based on the integration of particular operations into solid processes. Processes are operated by a process team, which tries to reach maximal added value for customers. Processes are workflows with process, vector