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Přístupy k modelování dopravní poptávky v osobní dopravě
Autoři: Melichar Vlastimil | Tilkeridis David
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Faktory trvale udržitelné mobility a přístupnosti k dopravním službám
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 114-131
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Přístupy k modelování dopravní poptávky v osobní dopravě This contribution deals with the approaches to transport demand modelling in the personal transportation regarding the modelling of progression of suistainable mobility in the personal transportation. The basic aspects of transport demand modelling are updated with the actual changes of approaches to transport modelling resulting from conclusions of the international Delphi research, from political environment changes and from analysis of new trends in the society. In the review of the approaches to the transport demand modelling attention is paid to the Four-Step Model, to the activity-based model, trip based model versus the activity based models, and to other approaches to modelling - dynamic longitudine panel models, model focused on interaction between land use and transportation, equity consideration.
eng Approaches to the Transport Demand modelling in Personal Transportation This contribution deals with the approaches to transport demand modelling in the personal transportation regarding the modelling of progression of suistainable mobility in the personal transportation. The basic aspects of transport demand modelling are updated with the actual changes of approaches to transport modelling resulting from conclusions of the international Delphi research, from political environment changes and from analysis of new trends in the society. In the review of the approaches to the transport demand modelling attention is paid to the Four-Step Model, to the activity-based model, trip based model versus the activity based models, and to other approaches to modelling - dynamic longitudine panel models, model focused on interaction between land use and transportation, equity consideration. transport demand modelling, suistainable mobility, personal transportation, Four-Step-Model, activity-based model, trip based model, dynamic longitudinal panel models