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Study of Potassium-Lead Borophosphate Glasses
Autoři: Mošner Petr | Koudelka Ladislav | Petřík Jiří
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Materials Science
Název nakladatele: Springer
Strana od-do: 7019-7022
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Chování draselnoolovnatých borofosfátových skelskel Byly připraveny směsný skla systému xK2O-(50-x)PbO-10B2O3-40P2O5 aaxK2O-(50-x)PbO-20B2O3-30P2O5 s x = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 a 50 mol% K2O. Byly studovány změny vlastností v důsledku změn složení
eng Study of Potassium-Lead Borophosphate Glasses Mixed potassium-lead borophosphate glasses were prepared and studied in two compositional series xK2O-(50-x)PbO-10B2O3-40P2O5 and xK2O-(50-x)PbO-20B2O3-30P2O5 with x = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mol% K2O. The replacement of lead by potassium decreases the density and increases the molar volume of these glasses. On the other hand both glass transition temperature and chemical durability decrease. The observed changes in the properties of these glasses are explained as due to changes in their structure and ionicity of chemical bonds between cations and the anionic network of the glass. The major role is played by differences in the space occupied by cations, differences in electronegativity and the field strength of the corresponding cations. borophosphate;glasses;structure;properties