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Identification Forces in Contact Wheel - Rail
Autoři: Culek Bohumil | Culek Bohumil | Podruh Jiří | Kolář Miloslav
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2005, National Conference with International Participation
Místo vydání: Praha
Strana od-do: 57 - 58
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Identification Forces in Contact Wheel - Rail In the paper is described an experimental procedure of identification of vertical Q wheel force and Y cross force. Checking of derailment resistance of railway vehicle is determined from proportion of cross Y and vertical Q force, which reacted between wheel and rail in the course of drive of vehicle. Till this time are developed principles of determination of Y and Q force through strain gauge measurement of disk wheel deformations. On wheels are placing two systems strain gauges. One system is for identification of Q force, second system is for identification Y force. Both systems are placing on wheels so, that has been minimized influence of Q force on measuring of Y force and counteraction of Y force on measuring of Q force.
eng Identification forces in contact wheel - rail In the paper is described an experimental procedure of identification of vertical Q wheel force and Y cross force. Checking of derailment resistance of railway vehicle is determined from proportion of cross Y and vertical Q force, which reacted between wheel and rail in the course of drive of vehicle. Till this time are developed principles of determination of Y and Q force through strain gauge measurement of disk wheel deformations. On wheels are placing two systems strain gauges. One system is for identification of Q force, second system is for identification Y force. Both systems are placing on wheels so, that has been minimized influence of Q force on measuring of Y force and counteraction of Y force on measuring of Q force. Identification of vertical and cross forces;strain gauges;measurement;