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Bearing Capacity of Reinforced and Unreinforced Soft Soil Subgrade
Autoři: Pospíšil Karel | Zedník Petr
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of Transportation Systems 2004
Název nakladatele: The Tri-Services (Army, Air Force, and Navy)
Místo vydání: Fort Lauderdale
Strana od-do: CD
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Únosnost vyztužených a nevyztužených málo únosných podloží podloží; vystužené; nevystužené, únosnost
eng Bearing Capacity of Reinforced and Unreinforced Soft Soil Subgrade Functionality and ways of the geosynthetics usage are well-known, e.g. see review by McGown (2000). Computing methods are being improved continuously but they usually cannot be generalized. The study of sub-base reinforcement is still a frequently discussed task, e.g. Vanggaard (1999), Bloise & Ucciardo (2000), Schad (2001). The impact of the reinforcing elements was studied via in-situ tests. In-situ tests are executed on experimental sections or a testing field, usually. The problem of reinforcing functionality has not been answered satisfactorily mainly regarding to parameters of reinforcing element and usage conditions. An empirical approach is one of the possible ways to address the problem, e.g. Saathof & Horstmann (1999). Implementation of in-situ testing during real highway or railway construction is relatively difficult, because of construction delays. Therefore the Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Field (GLTF) has been built recently in the laboratory complex of the Transport Research Centre (CDV), where experiments concerning the verification the contribution of geosynthetics on bearing capacity have been started, e.g. Pospisil (2001). subgrade; reinforced; unreinforced; bearing capacity