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Acoustic Emission as a Tool for Nondestructive Monitoring of Concrete Bridges
Autoři: Pospíšil Karel | Stryk Josef | Kořenská Marta | Pazdera Luboš
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of Transportation Systems 2004
Název nakladatele: The Tri-Services (Army, Air Force, and Navy)
Místo vydání: Fort Lauderdale
Strana od-do: CD.
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Akustická emise jako nástroj pro nedestruktivní monitorování mostů akustická emise; nedestruktivní; mosty
eng Acoustic Emission as a Tool for Nondestructive Monitoring of Concrete Bridges Reinforced & pre-stressed structures condition is affected by many factors. One of the most negative factors is reinforcement corrosion. At the present time, CDV - Transport Research Centre and Physical Department of School of Civil Engineering at Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic are dealing with development of a diagnostic method based on the principle of acoustic emission. The aim of our research is a formulation and verification of methodology for status evaluation of steel reinforcement in pre-stressed and reinforced structures with the use of an acoustic emission method. The proposed measurement system allows repeated measurements of more structures because it is not fixed at one structure for a longer period of time. The results and conclusions will form a base for a proposal of monitoring, repair and maintenance of road concrete bridges acoustic emission; nondestructive monitoring; bridge