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Acoustic Emission Method as a Diagnostic Tool for Corrosion Cracing in Reiforced Concrete Beams
Autoři: Kořenská Marta | Pazedra Luboš | Pospíšil Karel | Manychová Monika
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of 26th European Conference an Acoustic Emission Testing
Název nakladatele: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung
Místo vydání: Berlin
Strana od-do: 959-965
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Akustická emise jako nástroj pro nedestruktivní monitorování koroze výztuže železobetonových předpjatých nosníků akustická emise; nedestruktivní; nosník; předpjatý; výztuž
eng Acoustic Emission Method as a Diagnostic Tool for Corrosion Cracing in Reiforced Concrete Beams The paper deals with acoustic emission evaluation of deterioration of reinforced concrete beams during flexural tests under repeated loadings. The beams were deteriorated due to accelerated corrosion of reinforcement. The tests demonstrated that acoustic emission is very sensitive to detect the initiation of tensile microcracks, main tensile cracks and internal cracks generated near the interface between the reinforcement and concrete. They were revealed that the deteriorated beams exhibit different acoustic emission behaviour, depending on the different damage levels induced by the corrosion of the reinforcement. acoustic emission parameter analysis showed that a Felicity ratio, the ratio of the load of onset of acoustic emission and the maximum prior load, is a very effective criterion to measure the severity of damage induced in the reinforced concrete beams. High acoustic emission activity during unloading was also shown to be an effective index to estimate the deterioration of reinforced concrete beams due to corrosion of reinforcement. acoustic emission;nondestructive testing;NDT;reinforcement testing;