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Utilization of Method of Acoustic Emission to Classify Condition of Prestressed Concrete Girders
Autoři: Stryk Josef | Pospíšil Karel | Frýbort Aleš | Kořenská Marta
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Nové trendy ve fyzice
Název nakladatele: Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Místo vydání: Brno
Strana od-do: 959-965
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Využití metody akustické emise pro určení stavu předpjatých nosníků akustická emise; nosník; předpjatý
eng Utilization of Method of Acoustic Emission to Classify Condition of Prestressed Concrete Girders There is not estabilished any non-destructive instrument, which would be able to determine qualities of prestressed reinforcement (PR) in concrete structures such as bridges, dams reservoirs, etc., with sufficient accuracy and at the affordable cost. PR is basic element of structural stability in a great amount of concrete structures. Therefore it is very important to find relatively inexpensive and adequately reliable no destructive method that would be capable to determine PR condition of such structures. In this paper will be stated an evaluation measurements executed on prestressed railway sleepers of BP-3 type by an acoustic emission method (AE). The measurement results executed on sleepers with non-corroded reinforcement will be compared with results of sleepers with corroded reinforcement. Furthermore there will be stated measurements realiyed on bridge girder of KA type, which was taken out of bridge structre and investugated by AE method. acoustic emission;girder; prestressed