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Publikace detail

Role kombinované přepravy na přepravním trhu
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Dopravní politika a přepravní trh v ČR a Evropské unii: 1. mezinárodní konference
Název nakladatele: Ministerstvo dopravy ČR
Místo vydání: Praha
Strana od-do: 29-30
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Role kombinované přepravy na přepravním trhu seznam publikací
eng Position of Combined Transport on the Transport Market An effort of politicians and operators aimed at the growth of combined transport continues from its infanty, in western Europe from the sixties, in country, formel Czechoslowakia, from the seventiens of last century. Despote the effort of the mentioned matters, these intentions have never come up to thein notions. Road transport has risen very dynamically, while it was possible to meet the customers` requirements (price, rate, readiness, reliability). On the contrary, a significant fall occurred in railway cargo transport. Nevertheless, combined transport is growing in Europe, above all thanks to the container shipping between continents. The share of the inland combined transport is still insufficient. I tis also necessary to have satisfying capacities of combined transport terminals as a part of modern public logistical centres. Combined Transport, Transport Market, Czech Republic, Road Transport, White Book on Transport, Transport Policy, Internalization of External Costs