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Single-layer long-fibre composite structures experimental and computational modelling
Autoři: Krmela Jan | Pešlová Františka
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceeding of the 12th International conference on Problems of Material Engineering, Mechanics and Design (full text na CD-ROM)
Název nakladatele: Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne
Místo vydání: Trenčín
Strana od-do: 1-6
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Experimentální a výpočtové modelování dlouhovláknových jednovrstvých kompozitních struktur The article deals with the problems of the single-layer long-fibre composite structures solving by experimental and computational modelling. These composites consist a non-linear matrix and steel-wire or steel-twist wire reinforcement. The aim of the article will be obtained knowledge about the composite behaviours and also knowledge about the tensile and bend stiffness composite specimen characteristics depending on the different cord angle orientation. Kompozit;dlohovláknové;jednovrstvý;experiment;výpočet;tuhostní charakteristika
eng Single-layer long-fibre composite structures experimental and computational modelling The article deals with the problems of the single-layer long-fibre composite structures solving by experimental and computational modelling. These composites consist a non-linear matrix and steel-wire or steel-twist wire reinforcement. The aim of the article will be obtained knowledge about the composite behaviours and also knowledge about the tensile and bend stiffness composite specimen characteristics depending on the different cord angle orientation. Composite;long-fibre;single-layer;experiment;computation;stiffness characteristic