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Korozní vliv na tuhostní charakteristiky polykomponentních materiálů - The corrosion process impact on stiffness characteristics of polycomponent materials
Autoři: Krmela Jan | Pešlová Františka | Kuśmierczak Sylvia
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Materiálové inžinierstvo / Materials Engineering
Název nakladatele: Žilinská univerzita
Místo vydání: Žilina
Strana od-do: 122-127
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Korozní vliv na tuhostní charakteristiky polykomponentních materiálů - The corrosion process impact on stiffness characteristics of polycomponent materials The objects of long-work by authors are composite materials which consist of a non-linear matrix and a steel reinforcement cords in the form of a wire or twisted wire. These composite materials are used automobile tires such as steel-belt layers under tire tread region. The surface of steel reinforcement are somehow or other modified (brass plating, coppering). The functions of this surface finish are an achieving of the best adhesion between a matrix and cords and also the corrosion protection of steel cords against a corrosive attack. This paper deals with the wear process impact which represented corrosion action. The aim of corrosion tests is to find the influence of the degrading process on the tensile stiffness characteristics of polycomponent materials - cords. Also the papers described the comparison analysis between tensile stiffness characteristics of test pieces with corrosion and non-corrosion test pieces. Korozní proces;polykomponentní materiál
eng The corrosion process impact on stiffness characteristics of polycomponent materials The objects of long-work by authors are composite materials which consist of a non-linear matrix and a steel reinforcement cords in the form of a wire or twisted wire. These composite materials are used automobile tires such as steel-belt layers under tire tread region. The surface of steel reinforcement are somehow or other modified (brass plating, coppering). The functions of this surface finish are an achieving of the best adhesion between a matrix and cords and also the corrosion protection of steel cords against a corrosive attack. This paper deals with the wear process impact which represented corrosion action. The aim of corrosion tests is to find the influence of the degrading process on the tensile stiffness characteristics of polycomponent materials - cords. Also the papers described the comparison analysis between tensile stiffness characteristics of test pieces with corrosion and non-corrosion test pieces. Corrosion process;polycomponent material