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Design of Composite Tests for Computational Modelling
Autoři: Krmela Jan | Pešlová Františka | Kuśmierczak Sylvia
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: kapitola v odborné knize
Název zdroje: Improvement of Quality Regarding Processes and Materials 2007
Název nakladatele: Wydawnictvo Menedzerskie PTM
Místo vydání: Warszawa
Strana od-do: 91-96
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Návrh kompozitních zkušebních vzorků pro výpočtové modelování The chapter deals with the design of composite tensile tests for use in computational modeling. These composites are used in radial automobile tires such as steel-belt layers. These specific single-layer and two-layer long-fiber composite structures consist a non-linear matrix and a steel reinforcement in the form of a wire or twisted wire. The design of the shape and geometric parameters of steel-belt test pieces taking into account the type of testing machine is described in this chapter. Also corrosion tests in a corrosion chamber are performed on selected single-layer test pieces. The aim of corrosion tests is to find the influence of the degrading process on the tensile stiffness characteristics of tire steel-belts. Kompozit;zkušební vzorek;test;dlouhá vlákna;pneumatika;ocelokordový nárazník;návrh zkušebních vzorků;korozní zkouška
eng Design of Composite Tests for Computational Modelling The chapter deals with the design of composite tensile tests for use in computational modeling. These composites are used in radial automobile tires such as steel-belt layers. These specific single-layer and two-layer long-fiber composite structures consist a non-linear matrix and a steel reinforcement in the form of a wire or twisted wire. The design of the shape and geometric parameters of steel-belt test pieces taking into account the type of testing machine is described in this chapter. Also corrosion tests in a corrosion chamber are performed on selected single-layer test pieces. The aim of corrosion tests is to find the influence of the degrading process on the tensile stiffness characteristics of tire steel-belts. Composite;test;long-fiber;tire;steel-belt;specimen design;corrosion test