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Publikace detail

Autoři: Schmidová Eva | Bozkurt Fatih | Schmid Michal | Culek Bohumil
Rok: 2016
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: METAL 2016: 25th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials
Název nakladatele: TANGER, spol. s r.o.
Místo vydání: Ostrava
Strana od-do: 861-866
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Lokální elasticko-plastická odezva svarových spojů oceli DOMEX700MC Článek je věnován degradaci strukturních a mechanických parametrů oceli DOMEX700MC vlivem svařování. K hodnocení kritické subvrstvy svarem ovlivněných oblastí byly použity dynamické rázové zkoušky, instrumentované indentační zkoušky, strukturní a fraktografické analýzy. DOMEX700MC; dynamický lom; indentační testy; svarové spoje
eng LOCAL ELASTIC-PLASTIC RESPONSE OF WELDING JOINTS OF DOMEX700MS STEEL The paper deals with degradation of the structural and mechanical parameters of DOMEX 700MC steel due to welding process. It is focused on evaluation of the mechanical heterogeneities influence at higher strain rate. DOMEX 700MC presents the microalloyed steel with the increasing utilization mainly for the lightweight construction of the transportation means. The precise characterization of material behavior at high strain rate is of great importance for reliable prediction of welded parts in that application. Evaluation of the local mechanical parameters of experimental welding joints was performed. The three-point instrumented dynamic fracture analyses and instrumented indentation tests were employed to study the elastic-plastic response of critical weldments sublayers. The static vs. dynamic yield strength and energy consumption to fracture was compared in different stages of temper influence. Structural analyses brought the information about the conducted structural changes in tempered zone. Fractography analyses were focused on evaluation of local differences in fracture behavior influenced by real metallurgy quality. Based on the experimental results, the used combination of loading method is suitable to determine the local mechanical properties and enable the estimation of temper sensitivity of analyzed steel. DOMEX 700MC steel; dynamic fracture; indentation tests; welding joints