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Quality Of Education System As A Determinant Of Socio-Economic Development: Assessment Of Technological Level Of Readyness
Autoři: Artyukhov Artem | Volk Iurii | Krmelová Vladimíra | Krmela Jan
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: SocioEconomic Challenges
Strana od-do: 172-182
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Kvalita systému vzdělávání jako určující faktor socio-ekonomického rozvoje: Hodnocení technologické úrovně připravenosti Článek se věnuje hledání způsobů hodnocení kvality vzdělávacích aktivit na univerzitě prostřednictvím analogií mezi hmotnými (technickými) a nehmotnými systémy. Jako nástroj pro posouzení úrovně rozvoje kvality vzdělávacího systému byl použit přístup ke stanovení úrovně technologické připravenosti k realizaci . ... kvalita vzdělávání; socioekonomický rozvoj; technologická úroveň připravenosti; kalkulačka; bibliometrická analýza; transfer znalostí
eng Quality Of Education System As A Determinant Of Socio-Economic Development: Assessment Of Technological Level Of Readyness The article is devoted to finding ways to assess the quality of educational activities at the university through analogies between tangible (technical) and intangible systems. The approach to determining the level of technological readiness for implementation (TRL) was used as a tool to assess the level of development of the quality of education system. The abstract-logical method and the method of induction-deduction were used in the analysis of the causal relationship between the quality of education and the assessment of the technological level of development readiness. Bibliometric analysis was performed using SciVal and VOSviewer tools based on data from the scientific-metric databases Scopus and Web of Science. Based on bibliometric analysis, it was found that currently the TRL approach has not been used to describe the dynamic system of education quality, as it is not adapted to intangible systems. A link was also established between the search query technology readiness level and socio-economic indicators of technology implementation in industry. The description of each level of technological readiness of development on the example of the system quality of education with consistent progress in the development of quality assurance system and a brief description of each level of the studied intangible system. An example of determining the technological level of development readiness using the NYSERDA calculator is given. The results of the work can be useful for universities that build an effective internal system of quality assurance in education as an algorithm for consistent transition between levels of readiness and the relevant indicators of a particular technological level. quality of education; socio-economic development; technological level of readiness; calculator; bibliometric analysis; knowledge transfer