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Proposal of the traffic service on the Žilina – Rajec railway line by using the innovative methods
Autoři: Dedík Milan | Vojtek Martin | Fandáková Miriam
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Transportation Research Procedia
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science BV
Místo vydání: Amsterdam
Strana od-do: 1328-1336
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Návrh dopravní obsluhy na trati Žilina - Rajec s využitím inovativních metod Článek se zabívá návrhem variantních jízdních řádu vlaků na trati Žilina-Rajec. V návrhech jsou použity různé metody na dosažení optimální dopravní obsluhy.
eng Proposal of the traffic service on the Žilina – Rajec railway line by using the innovative methods Nowadays, there is a trend that creates individual car transport, which creates environmental burdens and congestion, which is reflected in the time loss of all transport participants. It is therefore important to develop public passenger transport and support alternative transport modes that are environmentally friendly. The development of electromobility and creation of integrated passenger transport systems are opportunities to find new possibilities to improve public passenger transport and the exchange of rail passenger transport. The article deals with the use of new progressive scientific methods in the context of improving the quality of passenger rail transport and improving transport services. First, the main basic principles of transport services and passenger rail transport are defined, followed by a review of the literature, which is followed by the proposed scientific principles and context. Secondly, the practical application of the proposed issue is demonstrated on the Žilina – Rajec railway line. Traffic potential Traffic service Scientific methods Timetable