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Open Science Investigation of the Health Economics Sector
Autoři: Bukhtiarova Alina | Shcherbachenko Viktoriia | Artyukhov Artem | Krmela Jan | Volk Iurii
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Health Economics and Management Review
Strana od-do: 27-37
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Otevřený vědecký výzkum v oblasti ekonomiky zdravotnictví Tento článek shrnuje argumenty a protiargumenty v rámci vědecké diskuse o otázce otevřené vědy v ekonomice zdravotnictví v realitě pandemie Covid-19. Cílem je prozkoumat otevřenost výsledků vědecké práce v oblasti ekonomie zdraví. (...) otevřená věda; výzkum; vzdělávání; ekonomika zdravotnictví; zdravotní péče; COVID-19
eng Open Science Investigation of the Health Economics Sector This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the issue open science in health economics in the reality of the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim is to study the openness of the results of scientific work in the field of health economics. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set: to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the concepts of open science, health, health economics, research, education; author’s structuring of the concept of open science in the context of health economics; identification of the main stakeholders and their role in the field of open science in the field of health economics. The object of research is the field of health economics. The subject of research is the determinants of the impact of open science on the health economy. In order to identify the vectors of scientific developments in recent years in the field of open science and health economics, the method of bibliometric analysis was used using the tools of the Scopus database and the software VOSviewer v.1.6.10. Based on the selected works, terminological maps were constructed for individual categories and the main clusters were identified, as a result of which the intensity of the use of one term with others was assessed. Scientific discoveries play an important role in health care. Especially in a pandemic, access to up-to-date data will save more lives and preserve the health of the world’s population. After all, the level of economic well-being of a country depends on the level of health of the population and its ability to work. It is determined that open science should include combining knowledge and efforts to support research in the field of health economics and reduce the knowledge gap between countries; mobilizing decision-makers, researchers, innovators, publishers and civil society representatives to ensure free access to scientific data, research results, educational resources and research facilities in the field of health open science; research; education; health economics; health care; COVID-19