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Experimental measurement and simulation of running resistance of container trains
Autoři: Michálek Tomáš | Kohout Martin | Šlapák Jiří | Pulda Jan | Vágner Jakub | Táborský Jan | Králík Martin
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears
Název nakladatele: Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineers, Department of Rolling Stock
Místo vydání: Budapešť
Strana od-do: 137-147
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Experimental measurement and simulation of running resistance of container trains This paper deals with research activities of the Faculty of Transport Engineering of the University of Pardubice in the field of running resistance of container trains. In the first part, results of run-down tests, which were performed with regular container trains in conditions of the Czech railway network, are summarized. On basis of their results, a modification of specific train resistance formulas was proposed. In the next part, the attention is paid to curve resistance. This resistance is influenced track-side (curve radius) as well as by vehicle parameters (radial wheelset steering capability etc.). A sensitivity analysis is performed by means of multi-body simulations in order to quantify a significance of the curve radius and cant deficiency. Evaluation of operational diagnostic data concerning the traction force of a locomotive in a curved track section is performed to verify the influence of curve radius on the total running resistance of a container train. Finally, a preparation of the instrumented screw coupling is briefly described. Actually, this measuring device is used by the Faculty of Transport Engineering for further investigation of vehicle running resistance of freight trains under the conditions of regular operation on the Czech railway network. The first measurement results, obtained with the instrumented screw coupling, are compared with the earlier results of operational run-down tests. container train; running resistance; run-down test; curve resistance; instrumented screw coupling