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Transport Measures in the Case of Crisis Situation on the Level of Regions of the Czech
Autoři: Soušek Radovan
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference MOSATT 2007 - Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation
Název nakladatele: Róbert BRÉDA
Místo vydání: Košice
Strana od-do: 264-265
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze KRIZOVÁ OPATŘENÍ V DOPRAVĚ NA ÚROVNI KRAJE V ČR Text se zabývá problematikou regulačních opatření v dopravě za krizových stavů na úrovni kraje. doprava, krizové situace, regulační opatření
eng Transport Measures in the Case of Crisis Situation on the Level of Regions of the Czech The problematic of ensuring of basic transport functions in the case of crisis situations on the territory of regions of the Czech Republic from the view of Regional authority is solved in the text. The possibilities and resources in form of acceptation of possible standard and special measures for managing in crisis situations in transport are shown in the text. The processes and time limits for implementation of several measures are determined. The significance of measures is determined in the text as well. transport, functions, crisis situations