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Social Aspect in Road Transport
Autoři: Kampf Rudolf | Drahotský Ivo | Morkus Jaroslav
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series B, The Jan Perner Transport Faculty
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 135-142
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Sociální aspekty v silniční dopravě Článek pojednává o sociálních aspektech objevujících se v sektoru silniční dopravy. Silniční přeprava nemá jako odvětví s rychlou progresí a flexibilitou, tak jak se rozvíjí jednotlivé prvky národního hospodářství, zcela upraveny sociální podmínky pro pracovníky v tomto oboru.
eng Social Aspect in Road Transport The article studies the social aspects which can occur in the sector of road transport. The road transport is a sector with a fast progression and flexibility; however it does not have quite set up social conditions for workers in this domain.The social aspects exist in any kind of transport. There are many examples of strikes, including railmen, airline pilots, sailors, etc. Seriousness of this problem depends on many factors (financial situation in the sector, government social policy and help, severity of regulations, unemployment, structure in the sector (concentration of companies), competitive and work conditions. It is hard to say if social aspects in road transport are worse than in other kinds of transport, nevertheless the number of workers connected with road transport calls appeal for analysis of this problem from the point of view of social policy.In the Czech Republic there were in the last ten years the important changes of mobility in passenger and freight transport. The mentioned changes concerns all the relevant transport fields and first of all road and railway transport. The development of individual passenger transportation and the preference of road transport within goods transportation remain also nowadays. The enlargement of European Union influenced significantly the changes of modal split in transportation work and the Czech Republic became a member state. The alone integration of the Czech Republic into European structures we must evaluate definite positive, but in the field of transportation this step brings a lot of connected problems. social aspect;transport;staffs;social policy