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Consideration about the Tire Computational Models
Autoři: Krmela Jan | Pešlová Františka | Kurajdová Katarina
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: odborná kniha
Název nakladatele: Publishing and Press Association of Universities Russia
Místo vydání: Saint-Petersburg
Strana od-do: 15-20
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Úvahy o výpočtových modelech pneumatiky Článek se zabývá úvahami o výpočtových modelech pneumatiky. Pneumatika;výpočet;MKP;statika;dynamika
eng Consideration about the Tire Computational Models The requirements from material as well as from combined load point of view are being put for computational modelling of the tire parts. That's why will be very important, which method will be choosen by an engineer to achieve correct computational models of the tire to properly present both static and dynamic states of loading. This requires a composition of corresponding level of computational models, so those will be "opened" for various ways of loading, what this contribution is devoted to be about. There's not too much about this topic in all available literature. Tire;computation;FEM;static;dynamic