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Experimental Fractography For Continuous Fiber Composites
Autoři: Rusnaková Soňa | Bakošová Dana | Krmela Jan
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: 7th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics (YSESM '08) : proceeding on CD-ROM
Název nakladatele: Politechnika Wrocławska
Místo vydání: Wroclaw, Polská republika
Strana od-do: 1-3
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Experimentální fraktografie pro dlouhovláknové kompozity - Experimental Fractography For Continuous Fiber Composites This work is deals with new failure causes in composite materials. Failure criteria are used to guide design and material improvement. Failure criteria are typically developed empirically. Failure modes in a laminate depend on ply lay-up, ply material, and the history of loading. It is usually not feasible to obtain the strength data from literature for an entire laminate, as each laminate is unique. To analyse the strength of a laminate, strength theories are required. Lamina strength is influenced by the presence of residual stresses, stress concentrations, and interlaminar stresses, which manifest themselves at the free edge of a laminate. Progressive failure of a laminate takes place from first-ply-failure (fpf) to last-ply-failure (lpf). In this work we experimentally observed differences in tensile failure modes for various type of lay -ups for continuous fiber laminate composites. Fraktografie;dlouhovláknové kompozity;módy porušení
eng Experimental Fractography For Continuous Fiber Composites This work is deals with new failure causes in composite materials. Failure criteria are used to guide design and material improvement. Failure criteria are typically developed empirically. Failure modes in a laminate depend on ply lay-up, ply material, and the history of loading. It is usually not feasible to obtain the strength data from literature for an entire laminate, as each laminate is unique. To analyse the strength of a laminate, strength theories are required. Lamina strength is influenced by the presence of residual stresses, stress concentrations, and interlaminar stresses, which manifest themselves at the free edge of a laminate. Progressive failure of a laminate takes place from first-ply-failure (fpf) to last-ply-failure (lpf). In this work we experimentally observed differences in tensile failure modes for various type of lay -ups for continuous fiber laminate composites. Fractography;continuous fiber composites;failure modes