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Preparation of Model Simulation for Logistics Centre Pardubice
Autoři: Šourek David | Seidlová Andrea | Cempírek Václav
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Progress in Material Handling Research: 2008
Název nakladatele: Material Handling Industry of America
Místo vydání: Charlotte
Strana od-do: 602-610
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Příprava simulačního modelu pro logistické centrum Pardubice Plánování a přípravu realizace nových veřejných logistických center mohou provázet problémy, které mohou být zmenšeny systematickým přístupem k projektu. Příspěvek se zabývá přípravou simulačního modelu logistických toků v plánovaném logistickém centru Pardubice. Cílem je stanovit atrakční obvody pro toto centrum a zjistit, které společnosti by mohly centrum využívat.
eng Preparation of Model Simulation for Logistics Centre Pardubice The planning and realization of new public logistics centres are sometimes accompanied by problems that could be reduced by systematic approach to those projects. The project for logistic centre in Pardubice is already developed and is supported by local authority. Pardubice agglomeration is characterized by 250 000 inhabitants and dense concentration of industry, especially engineering and electrotechnical industry (Foxconn and Panasonic). The locality for planned logistic centre is situated on the west periphery of the Pardubice city near the Elbe River. This locality is also included in the regional planning scheme of Pardubice region. This paper deals with preparation for model simulation of logistics flows connected to planned logistics centre in Pardubice. The goal of the paper was to determinate the attraction zone for planned logistic centre and to define possible logistic chains connected to logistic centre. Logistic centre could be integrated into the supply chains of companies, which are located in its attraction zone. The attraction zone is determinate in relation to existing traffic network using the principles from graph theory. Logistics Centre, Model