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Reactivity of Lead(II) Compounds with Pb-N Bond
Autoři: Růžička Aleš | Císařová Ivana
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Sborník str. P1
Název nakladatele: University of Texas
Místo vydání:
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Reactivity of Lead(II) Compounds with Pb-N Bond Generally, we have been recognized growing interest in lead and organolead chemistry, in past few years, where the special field are the lead(II) compounds.2 We have prepared and structurally characterized two diferrent lead(II) compounds. Both compounds reveal significant Pb-N bonding connection. First of them is organolead compound A1 (Scheme 1) with C,N-chelating ligand. Second one is the complex amidolead compound B. We tested the reactivity of both A and B towards oxidation and subtitution (X2, HX, O2, ArX, M(CO)x, carbenes, etc.). Products of these reaction were identified, structurally characterized by XRD, multinuclear NMR, MS and EA, some of prepared compounds were reacted with another nucleophilic or reducing agents (alkali metals, H2O, etc). Organolead compounds, reactivity
eng Reactivity of Lead(II) Compounds with Pb-N Bond Generally, we have been recognized growing interest in lead and organolead chemistry, in past few years, where the special field are the lead(II) compounds.2 We have prepared and structurally characterized two diferrent lead(II) compounds. Both compounds reveal significant Pb-N bonding connection. First of them is organolead compound A1 (Scheme 1) with C,N-chelating ligand. Second one is the complex amidolead compound B. We tested the reactivity of both A and B towards oxidation and subtitution (X2, HX, O2, ArX, M(CO)x, carbenes, etc.). Products of these reaction were identified, structurally characterized by XRD, multinuclear NMR, MS and EA, some of prepared compounds were reacted with another nucleophilic or reducing agents (alkali metals, H2O, etc).